Mar 09

Song of the Day

Today’s offering is the releasing today (3-9-2018) new album by Judas Priest, Firepower.  Enjoy everyone!


Oct 30

Four J’s & Geek Life Combo Meal – The Fuse

fuseThis time we join our friends at for the 100th episode of the Geek Life Podcast! We share about some favorite memories from the years we’ve spent together and dig into the super cool comic The Fuse written by Antony Johnston with art by Justin Greenwood from Image Comics.

Oct 01

Four J’s & Geek Life Combo Meal – The Guns of Shadow Valley

The Guns of Shadow ValleyThis week we join the hosts of’s Geek Life Podcast for another Combo Meal episode where we dig into an exciting indie comic that was recently picked up by Dark Horse and is available at your local comic shop now! The Guns of Shadow Valley by Dave Wachter and James Andrew Clark is a beautiful comic about a posse of gunmen in the wild west who must come together and defend against a tribe of ghostly warriors, an advancing army led by a deranged Colonel, and the perils of Shadow Valley itself. This comic was a blast to read and absolutely visually stunning, highly recommended! You can (and should) read The Guns of Shadow Valley on

Sep 17

Four J’s & Geek Life Combo Meal – Outcast

OutcastThis time we sit down with the guys from Geek Life for a Combo-Meal episode where we talk about Robert Kirkman’s latest book Outcast!

Jul 10

New Arrivals for July 2 and 9, 2014

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the delay.  The new arrivals for the 2nd got lost in cyberspace due to the July 4 holiday.  John being under the weather has helped delay the 9th.  So here is a double issue of new arrivals.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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